Shared Value

At Make A Difference Community we passionately believe it is up to businesses to solve social challengers the world faces. This will only happen as consumers consciously support companies that are giving back generously to the community.

Shared Value is not CSR. We are so connected by social media that we have now entered a new era where the power has shifted away from the big corporations, to us – the consumers.

Trillions of dollars flow around our economy. When just a small % of sales flows back to worthy charities we will massively reduce unnecessary suffering in our community. The good news is you do not need to make any sacrifice or donate money. You only need to support social enterprises when you can.

You will find the value and service from most social enterprises is superior to the normal “commercial” option. This is because social enterprises are driven and supported by passionate people wanting to help others.

Let’s make all businesses “give back generously” by asking them what they are doing to support the community they receive their sales from. Imagine how cool our world will be when companies are competing with each other primarily based on the positive impact they are creating in the world!

This is not a dream. It is a trend and it is growing. Please jump on board and see who you can influence.

What is Shared Value?

Shared value is a business strategy designed to solve social issues profitably. It does this by leveraging the resources and innovation of the private sector to create new solutions to some of society’s most pressing issues. In doing so, it creates a more prosperous environment in which to operate, making business more sustainable and resilient.

This concept was first documented in the Harvard Business Review in 2011. [Click here to download the PDF document.]

You can also

Are you searching for more meaning in your day to day business life? Do you like the idea of creating a huge point of difference over your competitors while helping others at the same time?

If yes, consider applying to join our Make A Difference Community. Imagine how inspired your clients and employees will feel knowing they are directly helping to eradicate hunger in Australia.

Read about Make A Difference Community membership here.

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